Select available languages

It is possible to select questionnaires in different languages.

1. Go to ”Configuration” on the left side. 


2. Go to the tab ”Other” (green arrow). Include the languages you want the questionnare in (yellow arrow). Please do not to include more languages than you intend to create questions in. Finish by clicking ”Save” (red arrow).

select other

3. Enter the different modules’ editing of questionnaires e.g. EDP (red arrow). Write the translations for the selected language (green arrow).

select edp


Translate the questionnaire

4. To edit the questionnaire, click “Questions and questionnaires” and choose “View and edit questionnaires” (green arrows).
click questionnaires

5. Click ”Edit” on the questionnaire you wish to edit (red arrow).”
click edit


6. Click the pencil to edit a certain question (red arrow).
edit question


7. You will get a warning, but that is OK if you just need to translate an existing question. Check the box (red arrow).


8. Write your translation (red arrow) and save the question at the bottom.

write translation


Set language in your profile

9. Every employee can change their language settings. Go to ”Profile” at the left side.


10. Click the tab “My data” on the right. Change the language setting (yellow arrows). Finish by clicking ”Save”.
employee set language